Discussion "In the Maze of Consciousness: Cinema, Memory and the 90s"

In this discussion we will investigate how the films we consumed in childhood shaped our identity and consider how the themes and perspectives touched on in these films can be viewed in the context of modern society. Furthermore, we will unravel the reasons behind the enduring dominance of nineties nostalgia and explore whether a collective memory was forged during this era.
The discussion will take place on Thursday, April 11, at 19.30 at Kaņepes Kultūras centrs. The discussion will be held in Latvian, however, you are welcome to join us afterwards for the "Tape Art 90s” disco with DJ Roberts Gobziņš starting at 21.30 at Kaņepes Kultūras centrs.
Admission to the event is free of charge for anyone interested.
2ANNAS Industry Days are organised with the support of the National Film Centre and the Creative Europe MEDIA Desk in Latvia.